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The Best Way to Handle a 1-star Review

It is common for most businesses to ask their customers to rate their services. Usually, there are five-star ratings: one, two, three, four, and five-star ratings. A five-star rating indicates a positive review, while a one-star rating indicates a negative rating. However, both the positive and negative reviews are equally important to the business’ growth.

People will usually give a 1-star rating when they are dissatisfied with a particular product. A company’s image and reputation will likely suffer if it receives a 1-star rating alongside a negative comment. How the company responds to negative reviews determines how the customers will view the company in the future. This article will outline the best approach to handle a 1-star rating.

Categories of 1-star Reviews

–         Legit 1 star reviews from real customers

–         Misleading 1-star reviews from prospective customers

–         Fake 1-star reviews from other people

A 1-star review is likely to stay if attached to a company’s profile which is terrible for business. The company can opt for the following options to handle this review:

–         Leaving the review to be diluted by the positive reviews

–         Fixing the situation that resulted in the review

–         Responding to the reviewer politely

How to Respond to a 1-star Review

The sole purpose of responding to a negative review is to fix a damaged relationship with a dissatisfied customer. Below are the steps of responding to a 1-star review:

Thank the Reviewer

Ideally, a company may be furious with a customer for ripping it into shreds using a negative review. However, it is great to consider that the negative reviewer took as much time to write the review as a positive reviewer. Even though a negative review is not much thrilling, acknowledging the reviewer’s effort is essential in improving the company’s reputation.

Empathize, Acknowledge, and Apologize

This strategy is tricky to navigate but mastering it is much essential. Giving profuse apologies may look unprofessional, yet insincere apologies may indicate that the company does not value the customers. Giving a pithy apology with empathy and acknowledgment is the safest approach.

Commit to Customer Service

This strategy shifts the company’s negative reputation ­(from the negative review) to a positive one. The company is obliged to remind the customers of its dedication to providing superior services. For example, if the negative review was about poor communication, the company can reiterate its commitment to keep the customers updated.

This approach shows that the company is committed to satisfying the customers by addressing the reviewer’s issue directly. The approach can also be used to invite extensive conversations, especially for legally sensitive issues.

Direct the Conversation Offline

The strategy enables the company to avoid discussing the issue in public, making the company look more organized and professional. Besides, the approach also reassures the reviewer with a resolution. Taking the conversation offline gives the company a chance to investigate and solve the problem. This improves the company’s growth.


Most 1 star reviews are just minor annoyances provided the company is providing exceptional services/. However, responding to them promptly can help in improving the company’s image and reputation. A good company treats a complaint as a gift to enhance its services.