Needless to say, resuming your operations after a worldwide crisis can be pretty daunting, and with so many conflicting views about the best way forward for individuals and businesses, it’s difficult to know which path to follow.
So what can you do to help your business and your employees adapt to the new normal? Here are a few tips.
- Listen to your employees
With uncertainty and change becoming such a regular part of everyday life, you should provide some stability by listening to what your teams are telling you and putting your people first. Through regular feedback sessions, they will be able to guide you and help you develop a framework that works for them as well as you. That will strengthen your bond with your team and keep your staff engaged and ready to embrace the new normal.
- Take health and wellbeing seriously
As your business and the economy start to recover, so should the people who work for it. The mental and physical health of your employees should be at the forefront. The first step is to create a safe working environment. You can do that by implementing measures that maximise social distancing protocols and minimise the number of employees who are on-site at any time.
Going forward, you should explore the steps that you can take to make your staff’s health is a priority. For example, having a regular supply of fruit delivered to the office by a provider (we recommend checking the Fruitful Office website as they are the leading UK provider, giving employees private medical cover and subsidizing gym memberships are all ways to show them that their health is important.
- Make remote workers feel like part of the team
If ongoing remote working is a feature of your new normal, then make a special effort to make remote workers feel connected and part of the team. Giving your team as many communication tools as possible and scheduling virtual water coolers, which encourage staff to communicate with colleagues from different departments and client accounts, can help to promote the feeling of togetherness.
- Be wary of monitoring workers too closely
If your remote teams are working well and your people are meeting their performance expectations, then avoid the temptation to use remote employee monitoring tools. Productivity tracking software is fundamentally at odds with the type of culture most workplaces want to create. Now more than ever, employees want a kind and trusting culture to work in. If they don’t get that, then expect them to look for it elsewhere.
Here are a few of the pros and cons of employee monitoring tools.
What steps has your business taken to adapt to the new normal? Please share your experiences with our readers in the comments below.
Part of being a leader is creating a work environment that is welcoming and productive for everyone. For help fostering a positive work environment, please see the tips below.
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